Your relationship has progressed to the point where
you're ready to commit to living together. It's not
quite marriage, but close enough, right? And, after
all, this is what you've wanted. You can visualize it
now, even before it happens: a happy couple
watching movies together, enjoying gourmet dinners
and spontaneous affection. Well, you get the idea.
Ok, now for the reality. Before you take this step,
there are 5 items you must consider and discuss;
topics that absolutely need to be addressed before
you so much as drop a box of your things at his/her
apartment (or house).
[b]Finances[/b] - A tough subject to approach, yet it is
imperative that you understand what your financial
obligations are. Are you splitting everything equally?
Mortgage or rent, food, bills, personal items, and
more? At the checkout, do you divide that receipt
completely in half? IF you feel that you are
overwhelmed with too much of the financial burden,
you're on fertile ground for a breeding resentment.
[b]Household chores[/b] - You're not moving in so that
your partner gets free maid service. Who is going to clean the
house? Will chores be shared? What about laundry?
Do you each do your own, or is one person going to
take care of it? What about doing the dishes after
dinner or making the bed and picking up stuff lying
around the house?
The point is, you should make a list of all household
chores and assign it to either you, you partner, or
both. Make sure your list includes everything from
taking out the garbage to wiping out the cobwebs. You will be so happy you did this.
[b]Shopping[/b] - Yes, shopping. It's a huge dent in the
timetable of your life, yet it needs to be done. Which
of you is going to be responsible for ensuring that the
grocery list of items makes it to your cupboards? If
your partner doesn't "care" what you purchase at the
store, or doesn't care to provide any input as to what
goes into his or her mouth, lucky you! Except when
that same partner complains that there is "nothing to
eat" in the house. This task is something that must
be assigned to someone - or both of you!
[b]Cooking/Meal Preparation[/b] - This is a biggie.
Does your partner just assume that food will
magically appear every night? Who is going to
prepare meals? Does your partner expect a huge
breakfast? Are you going to be expected to make
lunches in the morning as you both frantically get
ready for work? Or, maybe you will be expected to
prepare them the night before so they are ready
when you both go to work? What about dinner? What
are your partner's expectations? When it's your
partner's turn to cook (if you expect to take turns)
are you getting a Lean Cuisine fresh from the
microwave, but you are expected to put together a
five-course dinner? Okay, so maybe you like to cook.
But do you like it when it's expected that you do all
the cooking? Again, determine what is acceptable for
you both. "If I cook, you clean" and on days that "you
cook, I clean" and so on.
[b]Entertainment/Television[/b] - If you want to
watch a Nollywood movie and he has all his mind set on Watching Eden Hazard mesmerize Man City's defence in a football game, you will totally regret not setting down
television rules. Most households have a minimum of
two televisions and high-speed Internet, so, basically
you can go watch whatever you want. Setting out
who rules the remote will save you a ton of argument
later. Why? Because maybe the location of your other
television set isn't as comfortable as the main one.
Maybe your other TV is a 30" flat panel, and the main
one is a 55" flat panel, Or maybe there's just one TV for you both to share. Sound familiar?
Moving in together can signify that you are both very
committed to your relationship and to making it
work. It should be an exciting time and full of new
adventures as you both take the next step with each
other. Please, don't get so caught up in the fantasy of
what it "will be like" without first addressing the
realities of life. If you talk about these things before
you move in, it saves a lot of frustration, resentment,
and unpleasant surprises after you move in! Now go
forth and make it a great Day!
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