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Friday, August 16, 2013

10 Ways To Lower Lifespan

Like Billy Joel says, “Only the good die young.” If you’d like to be one of these people, then there are plenty of things you can do to decrease your lifespan. Below are ten things that have been found to reduce life expectancy.

1. Research has found that optimistic people tend to act in healthier ways than those who are negative. (source)
2. Long-term smokers live, on average, 14 years less than non-smokers.(source)
3. When you floss, you rid your mouth of bacteria that can cause inflammation in the gums. This inflammation can travel to the heart, leading to heart disease. (source)
4. The danger, stress and sleep deprivation that results from working in the line of duty decreases the average police officer’s life span by 8 years. (source)
5. Contrary to common sense, drinking alcohol has been shown to increase life span. This may be because alcohol can serve to help strengthen social networks, which are important for maintaining mental and physical health. (source)
6. Women live an average of 10 years longer than men. This is due to environmental reasons, genetic reasons and a tendency for males to be more competitive and aggressive in nature. Such behavior increases chances of death due to violence, accidents and risk-taking. (source)
7. Having frequent sex helps relieve stress and improve sleep. It also boosts immunity and serves as a form of exercise. (source)
8. Married individuals have been shown to be more likely to avoid risks and seek out a more stable lifestyle. (source)
9. Sitting 6+ hours per day makes you up to 40 percent likelier to die within 15 years than someone who sits less than three hours a day. This is true even if you exercise. (source)
10. The simple act of petting a dog or cat has the ability to reduce stress and blood pressure. Pet owners have also been shown to be less likely to suffer from depression. (source)


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